Daniel Gibby - Developing the Web   Developing the Web
Why Me?
With a title like 'Why Me?', maybe you came to this page expecting to find humor to make you feel better about yourself...
OK. Here's a joke:
Q:How do large Internet sites make money? (highlight below to see the answer.)
A: They sell a lot of the buzz words they caught in their world-wide-web.

All right, that wasn't hardly funny, unless you share it with a five-year-old, but at least I made it up. I guess that's why I'm a web developer and not a comedian. Here's a better question:
How can I help you with a web solution?
I like what I do and I have the skills and experience to create the web-site you want. I have three years of experience designing web-sites, and I have been working with some of the most advanced technologies in the industry. Even if you haven't completely defined what you want or need, I am excellent at determining the needs of businesses and organizations that are looking to increase or expand their business, sales, client-base or level of service.
Although my schedule is tight, while I still can I provide a free analysis to those that are interested in my services. Whether you would like me to help you create a web-site from scratch, or update and improve an existing site, I want to make it easy for you to determine what your web strategy and direction may be.
Email me or fill out this form so that I can get a better understanding of your business.